Continued From Who is David Jones?
Born in 1973 to a modest hard working farming family I experienced greatness by their example of a clean simple way of living very early in life. Though we moved from the farm when I was of a very young age I cherish the fond memories that remained. Unfortunately after that I became a very troubled child and struggled very much through elementary school. Mostly because of my academic struggles but coupled along with this was the shy awkwardness of a poor scared out of place boy. The only time I found great joy, peace, solitude and a sense of belonging was spending time in the woods, streams and fields surrounding the local area and home. I would get lost in just being outside sometimes just staring off day dreaming!
I finally survived those awkward years thinking they would never end just to find out I had to face even more. Junior high wasn’t off too that bad of a start things seemed liked they actually might get better. Then one day my parents said we are going to move and this time it wasn’t just down the road. With the move I struggled just the same as elementary school and as always I found peace and solitude spending time in the woods nature, writing, drawing and getting lost in my thoughts. School finally went by I graduated from high school I married raised a family and worked in the auto salvage industry for nearly thirty years and never looked back, so I thought!
At this point you’re probably asking yourself what does all this have to do with being an oil painter. Well I am slowly getting there unfortunately I am even as long winded in my writing as my verbal communication. For that I apologize please bear with me to see how all these pieces fit!
In November of 2021 a few weeks before Thanksgiving I became very sick, you probably guessed it COVID! It wasn’t fun at all, nine days straight of high fever and fifteen pounds of weight loss! Being able to do not much of anything, I watched more television in two weeks than I had in two years but this became a blessing. I started watching episodes of Bob Ross and thought that looks fun and relaxing! This reminded me how much I use to enjoy drawing and sketching when I was much younger!
Flashback, picture it 1989 a beautiful sunny day and the Berlin wall comes down, well that did happen but nothing to do with me. I was just a young teenager who dreamed of nothing more than getting out of high school working and making my way into adulthood with no plan what so ever! Always more of a loner I spent a lot of time sketching, drawing, coloring and spending a lot of time outside in the woods. I also loved working on the Crumb farm when I wasn’t stuck at school, the hard work and the instant gratification made me feel that I did something worthwhile. I just wanted to enjoy the quiet places and get along with everyone when I couldn’t!
My Art teacher Mrs. Trapp around that same time in my high school awkwardness had bigger intentions for me! She really believed in me and thought I could do something with my talent! She wanted me to move to a more advanced English and Math class so I could attend college and further my study. She even went as far as taking me during class to my Guidance counselor and seeing what needed to be done to get me transferred, she had it all set. Unfortunately I didn’t have the same confidence of myself as she did; looking back now I wish I did! I always thought as myself as a dumb able maybe I was or maybe I was just intimidated by the chance of failure!
So over thirty years later with no brush experience and some rusty old sketching skills that could barely pull off a stick figure I set out on a whole new adventure! I did what every modern moron would do today and jumped online and bought the first starter kit I believed in! Now don’t get me wrong I love Bob Ross and some of the product line that shares his name but I wish I would have taking a little more time to ease in! On the other hand maybe I would have just procrastinated maybe Bob Ross’ intentions were met “he wanted it to be easy”!
I started off small and I got hooked, I loved every second, it became almost an addiction! I wanted more, I wanted to try new things, I wanted to learn more and excel. It took me a minute to realize besides being fun, relaxing and challenging that I was ok at it. I started thinking more and more could I push myself hard enough to take a hobby slash passion and turn it into a career. Would this be the moment in my life where I could do something where I never feel like I am working because I really enjoy it!
All I really know is my journey is just beginning and I have a long ways to go and a lot to learn. I missed out on thirty years of what could have been ground breaking for me or heartbreaking. Maybe it wasn’t my time maybe things just weren’t right yet. Either way I am not too old to start I am just running late and that’s ok with me! So off I go success or failure I will at least try, not just for myself or those near me who believe I can but for a very sweet and caring teacher Mrs. Trapp who always held a place in my heart and always will, Thank you!
In closing, I am a rekindled passionate amateur artist, Oil painter who loves to paint landscapes especially from my imagination! My goal is to be successful and truly if all I ever succeed in is bringing a smile or a feeling of warmth to someone, then I am truly successful! God willing touch the lives of others being mindful in reinforcing how magnificently we are made.
Glory to God, peace to you all, Amen.
David Jones