My thoughts on the view of Art.

By definition from Oxford languages Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Unfortunately this seems to be different depending on the source of which it derives from. So with that being said my thoughts are as followed. Art along with so many other things in life are a manmade conceptual notion of what one thinks or believes art should be in material, design and presentation, but that’s probably wrong also!

As with most things that are manmade and those which are not everyone has their entitled opinion. Whether these opinions are right or wrong who decides? Well if something were naturally derived as one of Gods creations bringing in of existence then ultimately God would decide and one could say that all Gods creations are beautiful pieces of art. Correct all Gods creations are beautiful and perfectly designed for a specific purpose so we could say that they are functional pieces of art but they are Gods creations perfect in design and they belong to GOD so who are we to say? For we also belong to God!

Therefore as guilty as I am and others for we are not creating anything for God has created all; we are his craftsman, builders implementing thoughts and ideas that were already in existence. If you thought of it you were not alone! Ultimately everything and all belongs to God. Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV. The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

So does this mean Art doesn’t exist or matter, no quite the opposite? God wants us to use our skills to craft beautiful works of our imagination, thoughts and expressions not limited to visual art but of song, dance, writing all gifts God bestowed on us to glorify his name!

One of the most common references in the bible is in Exodus 31:1-3 KJV.  God refers to a man called Bezaleel who God fills with wisdom, understanding and knowledge in all manner of workmanship. He gifted with abilities to help in the building of the Tabernacle. So God gifts us all differently but he wants us to use those skills to craft things of beauty and expression.

So remember then next time you decide to Duct tape a banana to the wall or hang a shovel from some chicken wire. Is that truly skill? Is that what God intended for you? Think about how insulting that is to one of Gods beautiful children who were blessed with a disability yet that disability never held them back from using their skill, as to why I said blessed. So many hard working skillful individuals that decided to use their skill and not skate out! It’s an insult to God and yes I am guilty as well! Maybe that’s too harsh I am not saying these things are wrong or immoral just there not art.

Please don’t reply by how much it went for and how successful it was! Because those are worldly measures of success and what is worldly isn’t Godly. I am not saying we all need to be paintings lambs and crosses; I am saying use your true talents God bestowed upon you for something somewhat meaningful. In closing if I offended you I am truly sorry we cannot agree and that’s ok I am not out to harm anyone just wanted to express how I feel art should be viewed and taken with conscientious effort to use your God given skill to exhilarate the human senses.

 I pray you can use the Gifts God blessed you with to inspire others to use the gifts God gave them. Let’s lift up one another and encourage each other to step up and step out and apply your skill no matter where you are in your journey with joy because what you do might just make a difference to someone in their life and that is for the for the right reason. God bless, peace be to you all, Amen.

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